lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Culture and Tradition

At the entrance there is a viewpoint of 22 meters high, welcomes you to this theme park with coffee flavor, from where there are park and Quindio. In each of the places visitors can see replicas of six graves of culture Quimbaya, Quindio peasant houses, threshers, grinders, toasters and other machines that were restored and explaining its function. The park has a multitude of orchids, heliconias and ferns. The park not escape the myths and legends of Colombian peasants: the Mohan, La Llorona, the Patasola, the Madremonte, the Goblin and many more are gathered in the forest. They are characters who carry their history and the name of the region where they generated their belief.

Myths and Legends
Among stories and anecdotes, our ancestors left their legacy of myths and legends, in honor of these beliefs. The National Coffee Park recreated amidst a forest and native espécies some as the Madremonte, the Elf, the Mihan and the Llorona, among others.

Rural House
Representa una típica vivienda de la zona cafetera, caracterizada por su construcción en forma de siete ó L para evitar la brujería, amplios corredores con barandas y coloridas puertas y ventanas que resaltan en el paisaje

Indian cemetery
Our territory was home of several indigenous cultures, each had their religious beliefs at the time of his burial, burial was due to the hierarchy of the deceased. The National Coffee Park, perfectly designed, observe the types of tombs discovered in Quindio.

Harvest Monument
Characters are identified as Chapolera picking coffee, the carrier with their mules, men playing guitar, tiple and dancing; functions performed after work and took as a rest.

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